PIzzaria la notizia 53


Contact us

  • Address

    Via Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 53

  • Telephone

    +39 081 714 21 55

  • opening hours

    Sunday -Thursday 19:30am-00:30am
    Friday – Saturday  19:30am-01:00 am
    Closed on Mondays.

    Reservations are not accepted

Pizzeria, a synonym for home, a soul place. The place where Enzo finds himself. Where his life story exists and lives. Where ancient techniques and traditions are strictly adopted. Where the best food products of “Campania Felix” strengthen their flavors, aromas and colors. Where employees are one big family that, when the working hours are over, gather around the table with the desire and happiness to share dinner. Where the pizzeria becomes a creativity lab so as to offer unique combinations of flawless quality and taste. Where everything is the result of a great team effort. Where love for one’s own job coincides with the pleasure of cooking for others and make them happy. Where customers are warmly welcomed as friends hosted at home and complete the missing part of the chair cut in half that triumphs on the wall. Where those who choose to spend an evening with us share the beauty of being together, eating and drinking. Where food becomes the resource that enables to get to know each other a little more, day after day. Identity, Unity, Pleasure. La Notizia: the “Where” of Enzo Coccia.

Prenota su Quandoo

PIzzaria la notizia 94


Contact us

  • Address

    Via Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 94

  • Telephone

    +39 081 19 53 19 37

  • Opening hours

    From Monday to Thursday from 19.30 am to 00:30 am
    From Friday to Saturday from 19:30 to 01:00 am
    Closed on Sunday.

    By reservation only: Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday

Result of meetings and discussions, exchange of ideas and opinions, complications and challenges, tests and awarenesses, unexpected experiences and events: pieces of a complex puzzle that fit together progressively in the journey of a reasoned thought and a careful intention. A well contrived test bench dominated by new combinations of ingredients, flavors, colors and aromas. Outcome of a path that began with a clearly defined goal. Reflection of an undertaken path gradually enhanced, stumbling during one’s own course into diversity. Understanding, embracing and enriching your own map of “the other.” Cross one’s own with the stranger and then leave again, step by step, at full speed. A speed which is creativity, evolution, reasoning, culture, openness and will to do. Melting pot of products and people, behaviors and emotions that are woven together in a deep dialogue between tradition and modernity, past and present. Driving force in a dynamic process of knowledge, sharing and respect for quality and territory: at its core the constant desire to find and select, among the smallest farming and manufacturing companies, the best handmade products of our land. This is the “Other” of Enzo Coccia.

‘O sfizio d’a Notizia

Pizzeria sfizio della notizia

Contact us

  • Adress

    Via Michelangelo da Caravaggio, 49/51 – 80126 Napoli

  • Telephone

    +39 081 7148325

  • Opening hours

    Sunday – Thursday 7.30pm – 00.30am
    Friday and Saturday 7.30pm – 1.00am
    Closed on Monday

    No reservations

Story of fairy tale, a dream Enzo believed in and its realization. Story of a transformation, the evolution and the rebirth of dishes that, like Cinderella, were still wearing old rags waiting to put on the precious glass slipper. Story of poor food preparations, ‘mpustarelle and deep-fried pizzas, which, after being too often mistreated and adumbrated, for a long time, by richer meals and the stellar success of their baked “sisters”, have been ennobled as the humble girl who, raised from the fireplace pile of ashes she had to clean, became a beautiful queen. From the stall to the throne, from the city’s tiny and humid streets to the upper districts, from the scraps, simple and cheap ingredients to top quality food goods. Playing with creativity and emotions, seasonality and territoriality, memories of past situations and scenes, Cinderella has changed. She is no longer concealed behind a dirty and sloppy apron. Now, on her heels, she wears fine dresses and jewelry. They hang around with valiant knights, great Italian and French wines, which, proving their virtues, help to elevate them as excellences to revalue and savor. New combinations and new contaminations, as a stroke of magic, rewrote their story. That magic that will not turn the pumpkin into a sumptuous carriage, but into a delicious filling. The task of casting the spell to the master. This is the fairy tale of Enzo Coccia!

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